A message from
the Managing Director
2022 was a turbulent year. The Russian invasion of Ukraine caused significant turmoil to the energy markets. The importance of our gas fields in the North Sea was once again highlighted when supply from Russia to Europe was significantly reduced and prices took off, with severe consequences for people highly dependent on affordable and reliable energy supplies.
A swift response from the European Union (EU) curbed the worst consequences of the supply crisis. Significant volumes of liquified natural gas (LNG) were redirected from overseas markets to Europe and coal-fired power plants were brought back on stream. In Denmark, operators like TotalEnergies were asked to explore the full suite of opportunities to expand production short-term, and with a well-executed well stimulation campaign we delivered our first contribution to this national priority plan.
“ We are dedicated to implementing new ways of working and state-of-the-art technologies on Tyra, which can secure a 30% lower carbon footprint per unit compared to the old field.”
The key priority during 2022 was to conclude the onshore construction of the new facilities and their installation at the Tyra field. The last module was lifted in place in October 2022, and this paved the way for the final project phase where the new facilities are being prepared for first gas. The field will play an important role in securing gas supplies to Denmark and Europe in the coming decades. We are dedicated to implementing new ways of working and state-of-the-art technologies on Tyra, which can secure a 30% lower carbon footprint per unit compared to the old installation.
While focusing fully on delivering the massive Tyra Redevelopment, we continue the work to maximize production from our operating fields, and keep reducing our footprint from existing assets and activities. A key initiative was the deployment of cutting edge drone-based methane monitoring on all our installations. TotalEnergies is amongst the world leaders in implementing such innovative technologies to reduce this potent greenhouse gas and has set ambitious global targets. I am pleased that we here in the Danish affiliate have taken a leading role in this work.
TotalEnergies’ strategic ambition is to supply the energy that the World needs today and at the same time build the energy system of tomorrow. Globally, we invest in renewable power, expand our capacity within low-carbon gases like hydrogen and biogas, secure a strong position within natural gas which will be a crucial transition fuel, and develop carbon storage facilities, able to store millions of tons of CO2 in deposits deep underground.
To support the journey ahead, we are investing heavily in our people so that they have the necessary skills and knowledge to work with the new energies. Our global training program VISA was rolled out during 2022 and I was proud to see the commitment from employees, trainers and management. More than 500 employees participated in these inspiring sessions, a strong testimony to the relevance and importance of this ambitious program in paving the way to the future.
Finally, I want to highlight the progress we are witnessing in our biodiversity efforts. In 2022, we continued our support of various research initiatives by universities and research institutes around our fields, and prepared the first detailed Biodiversity Diagnosis, the fundamental step towards developing our Biodiversity Action Plan in 2023. We also formalized a close and promising partnership with the Wadden Sea National Park to jointly develop projects to support people and environment in our local UNESCO heritage site here in the Esbjerg area.
Eric Delattre
Managing Director TotalEnergies EP Denmark
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