2022 highlights
2022 was a year of significant progress within the sustainability area.
CO2 storage licence
Participated in the first ever tender round for licenses to store CO2 below the sea bed of the Danish North Sea with licences allotted in the beginning of 2023.
Drone-based methane monitoring campaign
Continued the drone monitoring deployment in the Danish North Sea. The measurements help us learn more about how we can minimize our emissions and produce ever more sustainably.
Carbon reduction journey
Established a core, dedicated team for Carbon Footprint Reduction tasked with identifying and screening opportunities to reduce emissions.
VISA training
A global training program was rolled out to inform employees about climate challenges and to better understand the Company’s transition journey.
Tyra recycling
98.5% of the materials from the old Tyra platform have either been directly reused or recycled.
Biodiversity focus
Joined the Danish Biodiversity Council dialogue forum to help advise the government on its biodiversity-related efforts.
Wadden Sea National Park partnership
Partnered with Wadden Sea National Park to help protect the values of one of the most important wildlife habitats of Northwestern Europe.
Next chapter – Climate and Sustainable Energy