2023 – progress and challenges

TotalEnergies EP Denmark’s operations are situated in the harsh environment of the North Sea and this sets the scene for our focus on safe, reliable and environmentally responsible operations.

Most of our offshore installations were constructed many years ago and were built for a significantly higher output of oil and gas. In this context, our goal is to operate our mature offshore installations in the safest, most energy efficient manner, with the lowest possible adverse impacts on air, sea and land, both locally and globally.

Climate and Sustainable Energy

GHG emissions¹
Total CO₂Mt CO₂0.730.790.82
GHG emissionsMt CO₂e0.800.850.87
GHG intensitykt CO₂ eq./Mboe28.129.732.5
Other emissions
Sources of CO₂ emissions on production platforms
Fuel gas%868886
Flared gas%131110
Consumption of HCFC* gas and HFC* gas
Energy consumption
Total energy consumptionTJ11,184.912,311.312,860.4
Use of extracted hydrocarbons
For sale%757372
For internal energy consumption%222425
Lost due to safety flare or other%333

Care for the Environment

Produced water re-injected into the reservoirs or discharged into the sea
Re-injected produced waterMm³5.56.36.2
Discharged produced waterMm³16.817.618.6
Oil in produced water discharged into the sea
Total volume of oil dischargeTons91.7121.6130.5
Average concentration of oil in produced water discharged into the sea
Oil concentrationmg/l5.56.97.0
Water-based drilling mud and drill cuttings discharged into the sea
Water-based drilling mud1,000 m³006.4
Drill cuttings1,000 m³000.8
Number of wells drilledNumber000*
Accidental oil spills
Accidental oil and diesel spillsTons0.90.80.1
Accidental oil and diesel spillsNumber8615
Accidental chemicals spills
Accidental chemical spillsTons2.710.50.1
Accidental chemical spillsNumber293220
Chemicals discharged into the sea
Green chemicalsTons7868033,042
Yellow chemicalsTons3,5854,2815,021
Red chemicalsTons8.513.415.2
Grand TotalTons4,3795,0978,079
Chemical usage
Green chemicalsTons2,2754,0655,175
Yellow chemicalsTons6,6347,6408,376
Black chemicalsTons000
Red chemicalsTons5370.873.5
Grand TotalTons8,96211,77613,625
Waste management
Waste totalTons2,4712,9853,636

People’s Well-Being

Workforce onshoreNumber521486469
Workforce offshoreNumber357275284
% of women%161918
Among onshore%262828
Among offshore%342
Number of nationalitiesNumber514846
Exposure hours
Milions of hours workedMh5.447.328.32
Occupational injuries
Lost Time InjuryNumber145
Restricted Workday CaseNumber369
Medical Treatment CaseNumber1104
First Aid Case (non-recordable injury)Number49108164
Injury Rates & Targets
Lost Time Injury Rate (LTIR), number of lost time injuries per million hours workedNb/Mh0.180.550.60
Total Recordable Injury Rate (TRIR), number of recordable injuries per million hours workedNb/Mh0.922.732.16
Lost Workdays³
Number of lost days due to accidents at workNumber215375401
Severity Rate
Number of days lost due to accidents at work per million hours workedNumber/Mh395148

Creating Shared Value

Action! program – employee participation%101613

Operational data

Production of oil and gas
GasMt oil eq1.21.11.1

1 Scope 1 and Scope 2 from all offshore assets and logistical support
2 Incinerated with energy recovery
3 The number of lost time days is limited to 180 calendar days per injured person

* nmVOC = non-methane Volatile Organic Compounds, HCFC = Hydrochlorofluorocarbons, HFC = hydrofluorocarbons
** Well completion was achieved in 2024 and was ongoing in 2023

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